

"The stomach Witch" H. pylori; THE GATEWAY OF WICKEDNESS.

  Science meet H. Pylori(witch's stomach) Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is a type of bacteria that infects the stomach and duodenum (the first part of the small intestine). It's a common infection that affects about half of the world's population. H. pylori infection can cause: - Stomach ulcers - Gastritis (inflammation of the stomach lining) - Stomach cancer - Duodenal ulcers - Dyspepsia (indigestion) Symptoms may include: - Abdominal pain - Nausea and vomiting - Bloating and gas - Loss of appetite - Weight loss A Microscopic image of a normal stomach and H. Pylori infested stomach. H. pylori infection is usually treated with antibiotics and acid-reducing medications. This is called Triple Combination Therapy which i am going to discuss extensively in my next article. But there is more, it goes beyond the physical, spiritual people who practice wickedness can communicate with these bacteria to cause havoc in our system. Like I always say disease are 99% spiritually incli

End Power Marginalization of Southern Borno People

Demanding Inclusion and Justice for All The constitution is clear on the leadership of a state in Nigeria.  " Citizen of  Nigeria  by birth, at least 35 years of age, is a member of a political  party  and is sponsored by that political party are eligible for the office of Governor." For too long, the people of Southern Borno have been marginalized and excluded from positions of power and decision-making. This systemic injustice has led to: - Limited access to education and healthcare - Economic disparities and poverty - Political underrepresentation - Cultural erasure Call to Action Join us in demanding an end to power marginalization! Let there be rotation of power among  the southern and Northern regions of the state. Let's work together to create a more inclusive and equitable society for all. Demands - Increased representation in government and leadership positions - Improved access to education, healthcare, and economic opportunities - Recognition and celebration of

Nigeria's problem..why we can't go forward.

The Culprit called Culture

It’s true that the kingdom of God suffered violence and the violent taketh it by force. But it’s also true that the wicked are using it to curse the children of God, even right there in the church in the presence of God and his people, mocking Him, the most high God. This is the trend now aday, the devil have been able to succeed in decieving the whole world in selling wickedness on a plater of gold to the entire generation. The culture is the vehicle tru which this scheme was achieved by the devil…son of anarchy, especially in Africa. Culture is draw back for the people in Africa. Our culture entirely is embedded in wickedness…witchcraft, fortune telling; seer…boka, sourcery,…in general depending on self instead of the most high God, the Goodness of the One. Any culture devoid of Love is not good at all, it’s a snare to a whole generation. Psalm…it all about secrets, the watchers revealed to daughters of men, they were over powered by the electricity of daughters of me


Hast thou heard that in the time of old the sheep dwelling in a certain pasture So increased and multiplied That they feared no enemy? At last, from the malice of Fate, Their breasts were smitten by a shaft of calamity. The tigers sprang forth from the jungle and rushed upon the sheepfold. Conquest and dominion are signs of strength; Victory is the manifestation of strength. Those fierce tigers beat the drum of sovereignty; They deprived the sheep of freedom. Forasmuch as tigers must have their prey, That meadow was crimsoned with the blood of the sheep. One of the sheep which was clever and acute, Old in years, cunning as a weather-beaten wolf, Being grieved at the fate of his fellows And sorely vexed by the violence of the tigers, Made complaint of the course of Destiny And sought by craft to restore his fortunes. The weak man, in order to preserve himself, seeks devices from skilled intelligence. In slavery, for the sake of repelling harm, the power of scheming becomes quickene

Nigeria belongs to Christ


Russia... Darius the Mede.; video
