Benefits of Chanca Piedra
What Are the Benefits of Chanca Piedra? What Is Chanca Piedra Chanca piedra ( Phyllanthus niruri ) is a widespread tropical plant commonly found in coastal areas, known by the common names gale of the wind , stonebreaker or seed-under-leaf . It is a relative of the spurges, belonging to the Phyllanthus genus of the family Phyllanthaceae. It is a plant from the Amazon rainforest that has provided naturopaths with a powerful, plant-based ally for supporting bladder, kidney, gallbladder, and liver health. Traditionally, chanca piedra is viewed as a health supplement that promotes the liver’s normal function by aiding its detoxification efforts to purge harmful substances. Names Common names for Phyllanthus niruri include chanca piedra in Spanish, quebra pedra in Portuguese, It has many other common names in assorted languages, including dukong anak , dukong-dukong anak , etc (in Indonesia ), Obukoko in Urhobo language, Nli-ndulie in Ukwani language in ...