The Past (Labar Zizigu) 2
The Past (Labar Zizigu) 2 Marghi belief Finally, we must consider that portion of Margi belief which explains nature and the origin of natural phenomena, for these forces are as much a part of the world as its geographic features and its inhabitants. This must be done cautiously, however, in order to avoid the impression that these people are overly concerned with supernatural forces or even that religion constitutes a cultural focus as it is claimed for societies in other parts of Africa (Herskovits 1958:177). Gulagu market 1960 A "world view" entails the organization of both natural and supernatural phenomena into an integrated, meaningful belief system which underlies a society's conceptual system. It is meant to be literally a view of the world. It is the efficient integration of natural and supernatural forces into a single world view which causes the Margi, and doubtlessly many other societies, to appear religionless. For in fact "religion"--by which...