
Showing posts from February, 2022

Four words everyone should always use.

  4 Words That Should Never Depart From Your Mouth    1.  Thank You:  The word "thank You" is an appreciative word, the Bible said;  Do not be anxious about anything, but  in every situation , by prayer and petition, with  thanksgiving , present your requests to  God. Before  we pray we give thanks, before we eat we should give thanks, before we do anything we should give thanks to God the creator. Therefore as Christians we ought to give thanks to God, not just to God but to anyone who do anything for us, it's a sign of appreciation. 2.  Please ; The word please is a pleasant way of asking for things, whenever you want to ask for something from someone, you use the word  please , please help me, please give me the money, it's a polite way of asking things from someone. 3.  I Am Sorry : I am sorry is an apologetic word, when we do something wrong to people we ought to apologize, not just saying sorry but " I am sorry " using the word "I" is very im