The Culprit called Culture

It’s true that the kingdom of God suffered violence and the violent taketh it by force. But it’s also true that the wicked are using it to curse the children of God, even right there in the church in the presence of God and his people, mocking Him, the most high God.
This is the trend now aday, the devil have been able to succeed in decieving the whole world in selling wickedness on a plater of gold to the entire generation. The culture is the vehicle tru which this scheme was achieved by the devil…son of anarchy, especially in Africa.
Culture is draw back for the people in Africa. Our culture entirely is embedded in wickedness…witchcraft, fortune telling; seer…boka, sourcery,…in general depending on self instead of the most high God, the Goodness of the One.
Any culture devoid of Love is not good at all, it’s a snare to a whole generation. Psalm…it all about secrets, the watchers revealed to daughters of men, they were over powered by the electricity of daughters of men how good they are, and took to themselves wives, and befouled the earth with their deeds, who in all times of their age made lawlessness and mixing, and giants are born and marvellous big men and great enmity.


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