
Nigeria's problem..why we can't go forward.

The Culprit called Culture

It’s true that the kingdom of God suffered violence and the violent taketh it by force. But it’s also true that the wicked are using it to curse the children of God, even right there in the church in the presence of God and his people, mocking Him, the most high God. This is the trend now aday, the devil have been able to succeed in decieving the whole world in selling wickedness on a plater of gold to the entire generation. The culture is the vehicle tru which this scheme was achieved by the devil…son of anarchy, especially in Africa. Culture is draw back for the people in Africa. Our culture entirely is embedded in wickedness…witchcraft, fortune telling; seer…boka, sourcery,…in general depending on self instead of the most high God, the Goodness of the One. Any culture devoid of Love is not good at all, it’s a snare to a whole generation. Psalm…it all about secrets, the watchers revealed to daughters of men, they were over powered by the electricity of daughters of me


Hast thou heard that in the time of old the sheep dwelling in a certain pasture So increased and multiplied That they feared no enemy? At last, from the malice of Fate, Their breasts were smitten by a shaft of calamity. The tigers sprang forth from the jungle and rushed upon the sheepfold. Conquest and dominion are signs of strength; Victory is the manifestation of strength. Those fierce tigers beat the drum of sovereignty; They deprived the sheep of freedom. Forasmuch as tigers must have their prey, That meadow was crimsoned with the blood of the sheep. One of the sheep which was clever and acute, Old in years, cunning as a weather-beaten wolf, Being grieved at the fate of his fellows And sorely vexed by the violence of the tigers, Made complaint of the course of Destiny And sought by craft to restore his fortunes. The weak man, in order to preserve himself, seeks devices from skilled intelligence. In slavery, for the sake of repelling harm, the power of scheming becomes quickene

Nigeria belongs to Christ


Russia... Darius the Mede.; video


The son

  Man was created in the likeness (image) of God   If so, then  God is the likeness of man  Therefore God is man Man reproduces …then God who is in likeness of man will likely reproduce too. If man is made in God’s image…likeness, according to Quran…then God is man like and so therefore God is likely in likeness of man to reproduce too. 4.  It will be common sence to say, since He is in the likeness of man, God has a child too..…son. Isa al Maryam…Yeshua…Jesus ·    5.      This  son is Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the saviour and the judge of this world and the one to come...1000 years of peace.

Four words everyone should always use.

  4 Words That Should Never Depart From Your Mouth    1.  Thank You:  The word "thank You" is an appreciative word, the Bible said;  Do not be anxious about anything, but  in every situation , by prayer and petition, with  thanksgiving , present your requests to  God. Before  we pray we give thanks, before we eat we should give thanks, before we do anything we should give thanks to God the creator. Therefore as Christians we ought to give thanks to God, not just to God but to anyone who do anything for us, it's a sign of appreciation. 2.  Please ; The word please is a pleasant way of asking for things, whenever you want to ask for something from someone, you use the word  please , please help me, please give me the money, it's a polite way of asking things from someone. 3.  I Am Sorry : I am sorry is an apologetic word, when we do something wrong to people we ought to apologize, not just saying sorry but " I am sorry " using the word "I" is very im